“Fiecare dintre noi este o poveste sculptata in piatra timpului”
•Seriale Turcești in România
•Serie turche in Italia
•Turkish series in English
Instagram page: ser.ialeturcesti
There is a baby?!
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A few days ago all the reporters claimed that Gupse Ozay and Baris Arduc would become parents, Gupse being pregnant. They also used this news to explain the sudden marriage between the two actors.
Gupse confirmed that she is not pregnant but would like to become a mother.
Some time ago we learned about the new Turkish series entitled "Dr. Foster ”which would had as protagonists Cansu Dere and Kaan Urgancıoğlu. However, it seems that the actor refused the offer and therefore seems to have abandoned the project. The role was proposed to Caner Cindoruk. Caner and Cansu will give life to husband and wife, it also seems that the series will focus on the female figure who will end up obsessed with the fact if her husband cheats on her and will do everything to find out.
Acum câteva zile in presa turca se zvonea ca Kaan Urgancıoğlu ar fi jucat cu Cansu Dere in serialul “Dr. Foster”. Se pare ca actorul ar fi refuzat oferta și ar fi abandonat proiectul. Rolul a fost preluat de actorul Caner Cindoruk. Caner și Cansu vor juca ca soț și soție. Subiectul principal al serialului va fi obsesia care se va naște in rolul feminin pentru a afla dacă este tratată de soț.
Tolgahan Sayışman sarà il personaggio principale della serie “Şeref Sözü” (tradotto:”Parola d’onore”). Accanto a lui ci sarà anche Sude Zülal Güler che interpreterà il ruolo femminile principale
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